
Friday, May 3, 2013

Kentucky Woman Is "Catholic" Priest

Seems pretty ironic. Recently there was a woman who decided not to "wait" for the Roman Catholic Church to change their views on not allowing women to be priests (whatever that means because the Catholic Church will never change what Jesus said). The woman decided to state "It has no sting for me, It is a Medieval bullying stick the bishops used to keep control over people and to keep the voices of women silent. I am way beyond letting octogenarian men tell us how to live our lives." in regard to being excommunicated from the Catholic Church. First of all, I would like to point out that these men are octogenarians, or old dudes, because they have experience and know what is right. This woman believes that she is leading everybody and proving that the Church is Catholic (universal) by bringing universality to the Priesthood. This would be good and fine, except for the fact that by definition of the Catholic Church, you believe that only men should be priests because that is the way that Jesus instantiated the Church. The thing about the Catholic faith is that it is not universal in terms of "you can pick and choose which parts of it you believe in." Jesus distinctly gave us a very concise faith that we are called to believe to be one with God. This woman is considered schismatic by the Catholic Church, the worst of the wounds to unity because it not only separates one's self from God, but also the souls of others.

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